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Our Approach to Your Career

Merizon is a boutique executive search firm that has great relationships with diverse companies across the US, built over the years by excellent service through all economic climates and industry changes.

We understand that, as your career progresses, the time you have to devote to a full-time career search becomes limited. Our recruiters know how it feels. It is a full-time job and it is ours. The internet is a great tool (it brought you here and we thank you for visiting our site), but the internet will not get you the job of your dreams — People will.

The people at Merizon commit to handling your search in a confidential manner. As in any good partnership, we believe constant communication is the key to working together on a common goal. After twenty years in the business, we have seen employment trends and companies come and go, but one thing has stayed constant: change. To respond to that, we can offer you career advice, negotiation skills, and frank, open, honest conversation about one of the most stressful and exciting things you can expect in your life: Changing jobs, relocating, and starting over. Whether you’re actively searching for new career opportunities, or you are just curious to hear about new roles in your field, we welcome the opportunity to be of service.

Your career is a journey. Let us help you define your path.

Our functional areas of expertise are:

1. Human Resources & Total Rewards
2. Supply Chain & Procurement
3. Employment Law & Labor Relations
4. Communications